• Your tax return
    never been done so easly
  • Tax consultant in St. Gallen
    Specialized in your tax situation

Your tax consultant in St. Gallen

Manage the entire process for completing your tax return conveniently via your smartphone or your preferred device. This way, you can contact your tax consultant in St.Gallen at any time and from anywhere, and upload necessary tax documents whenever you have them at hand.

Create a free account with Smart eTax and benefit from the tax return offer of your tax consultant in St.Gallen.

Digital Process

You have the full overview at all times. You see which documents are already there, which are still missing & can share them directly with the tax office.





Tax Consulting St.Gallen

We are happy to proactively support you with your tax and financial situation. Arrange an online meeting for your questions. We work on an hourly basis or at fixed prices.


Online Meeting   

zufriedene_Frau_wandert in die Schweiz ein und weiss wie die Steuererklärung funktioniert

B-Permit / C-Permit

As a B or C permit holder in St.Gallen, we can provide you with detailed information about your tax obligations. We also review withholding tax and the requirements for filing a tax return in Switzerland. By understanding these important points, you can avoid financial surprises and ensure compliance with Swiss tax laws.



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We guide you through the tax jungle, starting with the right documents and a structured process that saves everyone time.

We help you understand Swiss taxes and double taxation agreements.



Online Meeting   


Tax consultancy St.Gallen

We offer flexible pricing models—either on an hourly basis or at fixed rates—to provide you with an independent and transparent quote. This way, your investment remains predictable, and you benefit from a fair price-performance ratio.

Contact us if you’d like to learn more.



Contact us   


tasks list

You can keep your own personal task list for each tax year separately. Smart eTax helps you to create your own personal task list, which is then automatically synchronised with your fiduciary office. In this way, you can exchange information efficiently and easily about the tasks that still need to be completed. 



All your tax documents are stored clearly and securely in your account and are always ready. Whether you need your property invoice or the submitted tax return for the bank or insurance company: in future you will find all your documents in no time at all. 



Collecting all the necessary documents has never been so easy and the tedious compilation at the beginning of the year is a thing of the past. With the built-in upload function, you can upload any documents in digital form directly to your account. Simply scan your documents with your mobile phone and they are ready for upload, whether via mobile or desktop.

tax return done

Your optimized tax return will be securely stored in your Smart eTax account and can be submitted digitally to the tax office directly by your tax consultant in St.Gallen with just a simple click of a button.

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Across cantons

Tax return St.Gallen

Our tax advisors complete your tax return for you in the following cantons:

Tax return Service St.Gallen and more:

Canton Zurich

Canton Schwyz

Canton Aargau

Canton Basel

Canton Zug

Other cantons are possible upon request.


Tax Return St.Gallen - CHF 280

For individuals

St.Gallen tax declaration of all tax-relevant information

Reclaiming or back payment of withholding tax

International tax / double taxation agreements 

Our team of experienced tax advisors is here to help you understand your tax liability.

Secure Upload   


Tax return St.Gallen - CHF 350

Family package

Regardless of whether a move to Switzerland is planned 

Child deductions are made

What it means to be a dual earner

Maintenance contributions are deducted and much more




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Tax return St.Gallen - CHF 450

Property owner

Owning a property not only means a lot of maintenance work, filling out the tax return also has its pitfalls. We are happy to take care of this for you:

All possible deductions for your real estate

Optimization of your mortgage contracts

Deduction of all effective maintenance costs

Correct declaration in your tax return

Yield on real estate


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Tax return St.Gallen

Surcharge for mid-year tax declaration

CHF 150

Surcharge for cantons other than St.Gallen

CHF 100

Double incomes

CHF 150

Inter-cantonal tax allocation (eg. for property in another canton than St.Gallen)

CHF 200

International tax allocation (eg. for property outside of Switzerland)

CHF 200

Property St.Gallen

CHF 100 each

Detailed deduction of costs for property

According to complexity

Bank account, debt position, other asset position

CHF 20 each

Alimony payments

CHF 50 each

Form A (self-employed)

CHF 150

Form DA-1 (refund of foreign withholding taxes, e.g. on dividends)

CHF 200

Simple tax representation

CHF 300

Full tax representation incl. objection

CHF 500

Priority tax returns (within 5 business days)

CHF 200

High priority cases done IMMEDIATELY

Double the fee

Withholding tax rate correction/reassessment for withholding tax payers

According to complexity
(min. CHF 280)

Wage statement for ANOBAG (people working for foreign employers)

CHF 350

Hourly basis

CHF 280


Tax consultant in St. Gallen

In the St.Gallen area, as experienced tax consultants, we offer professional assistance in completing your personal tax return.

With our expertise in the Canton of  St.Gallen, we guarantee you the maximum utilization of all possible tax deductions. Discover the benefits of working with us and experience how we use the "tricks of the trade" to your tax advantage.

Register with Smart eTax and automatically connect with our tax professionals.

Smart eTax enables efficient and secure cooperation between you and our tax consultants. This innovative tool significantly simplifies the process of handling your annual, often tedious, tax return.

Try it out and see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of our services.

Haven't yet requested an extension from the tax authority in the Canton of St.Gallen / City of St.Gallen? Just let our team know. We are happy to take care of the extension for you.

Kurt Naef

Board Member/Advisor

"Mir macht die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Generationen grosse Freude, unteranderem, weil wir gegenseitig viel voneinander lernen und gemeinsam wachsen können. Smart eTax erleichtert die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mandanten und Treuhandfirmen enorm."

Marlon Recine


"Dank der heutigen Technologie steht der künftige Dokumentenaustausch vor einer noch bevorstehenden Revolution. Als CEO von Smart eTax fühle ich mich verantwortlich, diesen Revolutionsschritt im Steuerbereich voranzutreiben."

Jhennifer Nunes

Associate Founder

"Es bereitet mir grosse Freude mich für die Weiterentwicklung unserer Plattform zu engagieren. Auf Smart eTax bieten wir ein erstklassiges digitales Erlebnis"

Sheila Karvounaki Marti

Cotent Creator

"Kommunikation in all ihren Facetten fasziniert mich. Informationen und Wissen verständlich und sinnvoll zu transportieren, liegt mir am Herzen. So auch für Smart eTax, wo neue Technologie und zeitgemässe Herangehensweise auf einen etablierten Fachbereich treffen und Zukunft gestaltet wird."  

Chiara Recine


"Da, wo es mich braucht, stehe ich bereit, vor allem möchte ich unseren Smart eTax Kundinnen und Kunden verbindlich und speditiv zur Seite stehen. Smart eTax wird das Erledigen der Steuererklärung für Jung und Alt sehr vereinfachen."

Save taxes

With the Tax Consulting Team St. Gallen

None of the above offers suit for you and you would like to get a free quote. No problem. You can use our questionnaire to request a quote from the comfort of your own home or on the move. If the offer suits you, you can use your Smart eTax account to easily upload all your tax documents for the upcoming tax return.

Start now